Gardening – We Dig It!

By Karla Merola, LPTA

Step outside and one can see the signs of spring emerging, - the weather is getting warmer, the birds are singing, and my personal favorite, the flowers are appearing!  I love to garden and recommend it to anyone as it’s been shown to improve physical, psychological and social health.   It’s never too late to start and enjoy the satisfaction of nurturing and growing a garden of your own. 

Here are some ways to make gardening easier: 

Plan your day: Complete the most important activities first.  That way if you get tired you know the other items of the list can wait. 

Keep Cool:  Work in the morning or later in evening.  If you can’t do that then plan your tasks so that you stay in the shade during the hottest part of the day.  Wear a wide brim hat to help avoid sunburn and of course drink lots of water. 

The Right Tools for the Job:  There are a variety tools out there to help you take on whatever task you need to complete.  Choose some ergonomics tools to make the job that much easier.  Also, make sure you keep the tools sharp to cut down on the effort you have to exert to complete the task.  

Getting to their level:  Invest in a light weight or rolling seat that will allow you to sit while you garden.  Some rolling seats also help you carry your tools-Bonus!  Alternatively, you can lift the plants off the ground.  Raised beds, pots on plant stands, and grow towers are a great way to reduce bending. 

Body Mechanics: As always, use proper body mechanics with all activities.  Remember to know your limits before you try to pick up heavy objects. Keep back straight, bend at the hips and knees, and lift through the legs! 

I’ve added a video below to show you how to rake up all that leftover stuff from the fall and winter without doing a number on your back.

Now get out there and GROW!