LSVT BIG Program

LSVT BIG trains people with Parkinson disease (PD) to use their body more normally. People living with PD or other neurological conditions often move differently, with gestures and actions that become smaller and slower. They may have trouble with getting around, getting dressed, and performing other activities of daily living. LSVT BIG effectively trains improved movements for any activity, whether “small motor” tasks like buttoning a shirt or “large motor” tasks like getting up from sofa or chair or maintaining balance while walking. The treatment improves walking, self-care and other tasks by helping people “recalibrate” how they perceive their movements with what others actually see. It also teaches them how and when to apply extra effort to produce bigger motions – more like the movements of everyone around them.

Because LSVT BIG treatment is customized to each person's specific needs and goals, it can help regardless of the stage or severity of your condition. That said, the treatment may be most effective in early or middle stages of your condition, when you can both improve function and potentially slow further symptom progression. Beginning your work with LSVT BIG before you've noticed significant problems with balance, mobility or posture will often lead to the best results, but it's never too late to start. LSVT BIG can produce significant improvements even for people facing considerable physical difficulties.

LSVT BIG treatment is delivered one-on-one and is tailored to each person’s own abilities and goals so that they work towards goals that are meaningful to them.

LSVT BIG requires (and can only be given by) an LSVT BIG Certified Clinician as part of prescribed physical or occupational therapy.

This holistic approach addresses not only movement issues but also takes into account non-motor symptoms including emotional and cognitive changes.

LSVT BIG helps people "recalibrate" to recognize when their movements are smaller or slower than they think.

The sessions are based on the most effective, evidence-based strategies for learning and neuroplasticity (the brain's ability to change).

LSVT BIG is designed to help people apply what they learn in treatment sessions to more comfortable, confident movements in everyday life beyond treatment sessions.