Stroke Recovery

Cerebrovascular Accident, or CVA, commonly known as a stroke can occur either from a brain bleed (hemorrhage) or from a blood clot (ischemia). It can also occur within several different arteries in the brain and thus present with a variety of clinical presentations, like weakness or hemiplegia/hemiparesis along an arm or leg, facial drooping, difficulty with motor coordination, difficulty with word finding, difficulty with speech or swallowing, difficulty with walking or performing dressing, bathing and bed mobility tasks.

Rehabilitating from a stroke can be a long, arduous journey, but we are on that journey with you to be successful! Our physical, occupational and speech therapists will work with you and your loved one to develop an individualized plan tailored to your individual needs and goals. We have skilled clinicians that have completed training on state-of-the-art interventions that combine conservative treatment for motor coordination deficits with sensory deficits via direct current electrical stimulation- the Neubie. Our approach is a collaboration between you, your family, care-partners, and physicians for the best outcome and quality of life.