Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple Sclerosis is one of many progressive neurological diseases that essentially reduces the myelin, or protective layer atop of peripheral neurons. This results in sensory and motor deficits that affect motor coordination, balance, gait, and as it progresses a person’s sensation and cognition. There are 4 main types of Multiple Sclerosis that progress in different patterns of exacerbations and dormant time frames. Regardless of the progression type, we can help!

We have skilled clinicians that have completed training on state-of-the-art interventions that combine conservative treatment for motor coordination deficits with sensory deficits via direct current electrical stimulation - The Neubie. You can see one of our clients success story video below. Also, utilizing the concept of forced exercise with the Theracycle can assist with safely increasing muscular strength and endurance as well as treating with energy conservation techniques to help you live your best quality of life.

Our clinicians can also assist you and your loved ones along the journey to recovery as well as to help plan for any compensatory devices that may be needed in the future or safe home environment to ensure your safety and security and to thrive!