Chronic Low Back Pain - Are You Part of the 90%?

By: Susan Geiger, PT, DPT

Over 90% of the population will experience some form of back pain in their lifetime. These acute, or short-term, pain experiences are very common and even normal with an active lifestyle. However, when pain persists and becomes a chronic issue, it can significantly effect how you live your life causing negative effects such as absence from work, depression, anxiety, and economic burden. What is important to know is chronic low back pain (CLBP) is not only related to what we see on an x-ray/MRI but also what our attitude, beliefs, and behaviors are concerning the pain. These behaviors often include avoiding movements that we know cause pain. This pain avoidance can lead to fear of movement, further perpetuating this pain cycle.

Now the big question – WHAT CAN WE DO ABOUT IT? Whether you have an acute onset of back pain or are experiencing CLBP, a Physical Therapist (PT) can help! Research has shown conservative physical therapy management as the first intervention significantly increases an individual’s best chance for recovery from back pain while avoiding long-term disability. Research has shown that physical therapy can help decrease reliance on pain medications and avoid surgery. PTs are movement specialists that can provide the best interventions specific to you such as massage, spinal mobilizations, and targeted exercise. But in addition, PTs proved excellent education about modern pain science, and instruction in strategies for proper and safe body mechanics to improve pain and decrease the likelihood of re-injury.

It is our goal as your PT to optimize movement patterns and help guide you back to doing the things you love to do without pain.  You don’t have to struggle or “just deal with” chronic low back pain.  We encourage you to see a physical therapist so you can get back to your life whether it’s; go to the beach with your kids/grandkids, get back to your garden, or maybe even go out dancing.  As Dr Robert Anthony said, “Waiting is a trap. There will always be reasons to wait. The truth is, there are only two things in life, reasons and results, and reasons simply don't count."  See a PT and get results.