Do’s and Don’ts When Working with a Personal Trainer

By: Tiffany Chen, NASM-CPT, 200-YT, COTA

DO: Put in your maximum effort when completing each rep with full range of motion and proper form

DON’T: Push yourself to complete each rep as quickly as possible

DO: Time your rest breaks and make sure you take a pause in between each set to maximize performance 

DON’T: Rush through your workout without allowing ample time between to replenish your energy and effort


DO: Be aware of your body when completing each movement, REACH OUT and ask questions if something hurts. An experienced personal trainer should be able to provide safe modifications, as needed.

DON’T: “Fight through the pain” and continue to push yourself to complete exercises that do not serve you


DO: Have an open mind and constantly communicate with your trainer to make sure it is a team effort when reaching your fitness goals 

DON’T: Assume your personal trainer knows how you are feeling. Let them know how you are doing: whether you are feeling particularly sore/tight or had a poor night of sleep. All these factors can affect how your trainer organizes your workout. 


DO: Set realistic expectations for yourself and understand that health is quantified in more ways than a number on a scale. Observe how your clothes may fit differently for a better grasp on your progress. Be even more observant of the subtler effects: your mood, sense of discipline and energy level.

DON’T: Starve yourself when exercising or be obsessed with your weight. Find a nutrient-dense diet plan and find healthy foods that you enjoy. Bleak salads are not the only way to “eat healthy” go for high protein items. 

Our Personal Wellness Trainers are specially training and work alongside physical and occupational therapists to help provide safe and effective wellness training.  Click below if you would like to schedule a one-on-one wellness appointment.