Becoming a Stroke Rehab Specialist (CSRS) 

By: Graham Jones, MSOT, OTR /L, CSRS 

Stroke is the leading cause of disability and affects more than 795,000 people yearly. This condition can cause significant changes in quality of life and ability to perform daily roles and responsibility. Therefore, as therapists, our role in helping individuals recover following a stroke is vital. However, not all clinicians are properly trained to provide the best care and rehabilitation for stroke. To help fill this need, the certification of Stroke Rehab Specialist (CSRS) was developed by Neurorecovery Unlimited. This certification provides a specialty education on current evidence for best practice with evaluation and treatment of the condition.  

Across the four-day course, occupational and physical therapists receive in-depth training to manage all potential functional difficulties that may occur from a stroke. Initially, there is an emphasis on evaluation selection to perform the most evidence-based assessments to gain an accurate picture of the client’s baseline functioning. The training then aims to help therapist with identification and treatment of client deficits. Therapists deepen their knowledge of management of a hemiparetic arm with facilitation techniques to improve range of motion and functional usage. There is also an emphasis on handling techniques to improve seated and standing balance, walking, and standing. The training also reviews and recommends adaptive equipment and therapy modalities to maximize muscle re-training for improved performance. Finally, resources are provided to help therapists guide their clients to the proper services they will require outside of therapy. 

Since receiving this certification, I have noticed improved engagement and participation as well as motivation from my clients. I have been able to bring more intensity into my treatments to maximize the benefit as well as improve retraining of the brain. As a result of this, clients have demonstrated to themselves and their family members the extent of their capabilities and how much they can achieve. Also, I have provided my clients with clear and instructive critiques to improve their awareness of their difficulties for better carryover at home. This certification has changed my perspective on the barriers my clients can conquer and has motivated me to further help them find their peak performance. I look forward to continuing to help improve quality of life for individuals living with stroke thanks to the insight this training has brought me.