Sleep Hygiene - More Beneficial Than You Think  

Sleep Hygiene - More Beneficial Than You Think  

Nearly one-third of the general population experiences problems with sleep. Research has shown that mental health difficulties, obesity, cancer, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and many other health conditions are associated with lack of sleep. Poor sleep is common in individuals who are living with painful musculoskeletal conditions that have a significant negative impact on their lives. Musculoskeletal conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, and fibromyalgia are frequently associated with sleep issues.

Yoga Pranayama Techniques  

Yoga Pranayama Techniques  

In Yoga, breathing practices or “Pranayama” has long been known for bringing physiological, psychical and mental benefits to its practitioners. The root meaning of the word “prana” means “life-energy”. Breath control has many benefits in other contexts outside of yoga. For example, many are taught to breath out when exerting effort when exercising or completing heavy lifting to protect their spine. First responders are also taught to use their breath to remain calm and mentally effective during emergency situations. These are just small examples of how learning breath control may enhance your quality of life and mental fortitude.