Peripheral Neuropathy

An estimated 20 million Americans experience the symptoms of neuropathy each year. The symptoms of neuropathy can be disruptive to everyday life, and include numbness, burning, tingling, pain, and weakness. These symptoms may contribute towards larger limitations, such as balance deficits, difficulty walking, or an overall decrease in quality of life. Many individuals affected by neuropathy fear that management of their symptoms is their only option, but that is not always the case.

Causes of Peripheral Neuropathy

  • Peripheral neuropathy has many causes. Some of these include:

  • Autoimmune disorders

  • Diabetes

  • Hereditary disorders

  • Medication

  • Chemo-induced

  • Exposure to toxic chemicals

  • Inflammatory infections

  • Poor nutrition

  • And more

How can our Physical and Occupational Therapists help?

The symptoms of neuropathy go well beyond just those regarding poor sensation and pain. Neuropathy often leads to balance problems, falls, and increased difficulty with walking. When choosing physical therapy for neuropathy, you’ll receive a comprehensive neuropathy program to help alleviate the debilitating symptoms associated with peripheral neuropathy. Utilizing cutting-edge technology in conjunction with clinical expertise, our clinicians are able to help modulate symptoms while simultaneously improving strength, balance, and mobility. The goals of physical therapy for neuropathy are:

  • Decreased symptoms

  • Decreased risk for falls

  • Improved mobility

  • Increased quality of life

Our physical and therapists provide evaluation and treatment sessions which include:

  • Neubie Electrical Stimulation Device

  • Fall Risk Assessments

  • Proprioceptive Training

  • Gait Training