shoulder pain

Using Innovative Therapy to Address Chronic Pain  

Using Innovative Therapy to Address Chronic Pain  

Pain is a serious and costly public health issue. The National Institutes of Health calls pain "the universal disorder." In its most benign form, pain warns us that something isn’t quite right, that we should pay attention, take medicine, or see a doctor. At its worst, pain robs us of our productivity, well-being, and, for many who suffer from extended illness, it dramatically affects how we live our lives. 

At Virginian Rehabilitation and Wellness, we have many tools to manage pain. One of our newer more innovative tools is the Neubie. The Neubie is an FDA-cleared system that uses electrical stimulation to bring about neuromotor change.

It’s Time to Rethink Pain!

It’s Time to Rethink Pain!

By definition, pain is an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential damage to a structure in the body. (International Association for the Study of Pain). Pain is the brain’s protective mechanism to detect threats to the body and is NORMAL!

The majority of the people we treat as physical therapists are experiencing some form of pain, including acute after recent injury, subacute, or post-operative. This kind of pain is adaptive and should follow typical timelines of healing/recovery with several approaches to treat including modalities, exercises, manual treatments and education. Easy right? Well, it can be for some but unfortunately, as many people know firsthand, it is not always that easy.