
Is Neubie Right for Me? 

Is Neubie Right for Me? 

At Virginian Rehabilitation & Wellness, we seek innovative technology to give our clients the best care possible and expedite their return to everyday activity. The Neubie (pronounced “New-Be”) is one of our newest pieces of technology that delivers direct current electrical stimulation to clients with a wide variety of symptoms and conditions to enhance therapy outcomes! We often have clients enter our clinic for the first time having never heard of the Neubie before, or unsure if the Neubie is appropriate for them. The Neubie can be used for a wide variety of conditions and symptoms, the list below discusses the issues/conditions that can benefit from the Neubie: 

Using Innovative Therapy to Address Chronic Pain  

Using Innovative Therapy to Address Chronic Pain  

Pain is a serious and costly public health issue. The National Institutes of Health calls pain "the universal disorder." In its most benign form, pain warns us that something isn’t quite right, that we should pay attention, take medicine, or see a doctor. At its worst, pain robs us of our productivity, well-being, and, for many who suffer from extended illness, it dramatically affects how we live our lives. 

At Virginian Rehabilitation and Wellness, we have many tools to manage pain. One of our newer more innovative tools is the Neubie. The Neubie is an FDA-cleared system that uses electrical stimulation to bring about neuromotor change.

The Neubie – Unlocking Peak Physical Performance 

The Neubie – Unlocking Peak Physical Performance 

What do Saquan Barkley, Jameson Taillon, John Isner, and Mike Tyson have in common? They all have used the Neubie to recover from injury or improve their athletic performance.  Athletes across all levels of competition are always looking for competitive advantages over their opponents. Virginian Rehabilitation and Wellness provides individuals with the opportunity to unlock their peak physical potential through the use of the Neubie. The Neubie is an innovative treatment tool which can improve recovery timelines from injury or surgery, while also accelerating muscle strength gains and endurance to return individuals to sport or other meaningful physical activity to pre-injury levels and beyond.

Neubie vs TENS – Are They the Same? 

Neubie vs TENS – Are They the Same? 

We receive a lot of interest in and questions about the Neubie. Clients want to know what makes it such an exciting a promising tool in physical and occupational therapy. In this blog we want to address a common misconception that the Neubie is the same as electrical stim or a TENS (transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulator) unit. Short answer: They are not the same. 

Addressing Deficits Related to Stroke Using the Most Current Evidence and Technologies 

Addressing Deficits Related to Stroke Using the Most Current Evidence and Technologies 

If you or a loved one has been affected by a stroke, there are many ways that our rehabilitation team can support your recovery. Here are some updates about our team’s approach, including how we use our neuromuscular electrical stimulation Neubie device to promote improved efficiency of your recovery. Each therapy area has a specialized focus but we all work together to focus on the whole you!

The Athlete’s Newest Weapon – The Neubie!

The Athlete’s Newest Weapon – The Neubie!

Back to School is right around the corner. That means kids will be returning to school, sports will begin training, and inevitably, athletes across the country will ramp up preparation for fall and winter competition. Today, everyone is looking for that edge that will give them a leg up on their competition – perhaps to crack the starting lineup, push for a collegiate scholarship, set a new personal record, or return from injury stronger than before.

Neufit, the maker of an electrical stimulation treatment device called the Neubie (pronounced New-Be), is at the forefront of cutting-edge technology providing individuals with a unique, competitive advantage over the competition.

Improving Hand and Arm Function with Innovative Technology

Improving Hand and Arm Function with Innovative Technology

The Neubie (pronounced New – Be) is exciting new technology in electrical stimulation that can be a vital tool to improve performance of the hand and arm especially following a stroke or other event that produces neurological damage. Unlike traditional e-stim, Neubie provides direct current, electrical stimulation that helps occupational therapists (OT) better identify muscular and nerve miscommunications and promote increased sensory and motor recovery. Improved communication between muscles and nerves helps clients achieve maximal function.