
Recommendations for Reasonable Wellness Resolutions

Recommendations for Reasonable Wellness Resolutions

January is notorious for the creation and revisiting of New Year Resolutions. For many, these long-term goals are related to health. Some of the most common resolutions are to exercise more and lose weight. Research has long supported that exercising supports a multitude of our physical, mental/emotional and physiological functions. For example, exercising can boost our ability to concentrate, stabilize our moods and promote better sleep quality.

Don’t “Fall” into Fall  (Part 1) 

Don’t “Fall” into Fall  (Part 1) 

As the weather grows colder during the fall and winter seasons, it is imperative to stay active. In Yoga Ayurveda teachings, wintertime is seen as a period of rest and rejuvenation. This is time for reflection and restoration of energy for the rest of the year. However, this does not mean hibernate and be completely inactive. You can adjust your usual routine to better serve you during these temperature shifts. By staying active, you will maintain your level of strength, endurance, flexibility, balance, mental wellbeing and more. Here are some quick tips to maintain your wellbeing during this cozy time of year: