Improving your mind

Can Meditation Improve Attention, Memory, and Cognition? 

Can Meditation Improve Attention, Memory, and Cognition? 

One powerful tool for enhancing the functioning of the mind is meditation. Meditation is a technique that involves focusing your attention on a specific activity, for example, on breath, an object, such as a candle, or a thought, like a mantra. The idea is to train your mind to be more aware, present, and calm. Through regular meditation practice, you can improve your attention span and memory, among other cognitive abilities. 

Keep Your Mind Mighty – Do a Crossword!

Keep Your Mind Mighty – Do a Crossword!

My father-in-law loved crossword puzzles. I have fond memories of him sitting at the kitchen table working away on the daily crossword puzzle. Every now and then he would get stuck and ask my help. I usually had no clue, but occasionally, the synapses would fire just right, and I would get an answer correct- a great “a-ha!” moment that really did feel like it woke up my brain. I have no doubt that his daily battle with the Post puzzle is what helped his mind stay so fit throughout his life.