Parkinson’s Disease: The Basics

By: Matthew Gallegos, PT, DPT,



Neurons: cells that use electrical impulses and chemical signals to transmit information between different areas of the brain and to the rest of the body

Dopamine: the body’s neurochemical that allows neurons to communicate with one another (important for movement and pleasure/happiness)

Substantia Nigra: region of the brain where dopamine is produced

Tremors: involuntary quivering or shaking movements (usually seen in hand in “pill rolling” fashion)

Festination: unplanned or uncontrolled quickening of steps when walking

Freezing of Gait: gait pattern where there are sudden and temporary episodes of inability to move feet towards a specific target – can occur with triggers such as narrow doorways, busy places (grocery store), when pressured to rush, or associated with fear of falling

Bradykinesia: slowness of movement (feels like you are slower than everyone else)

Hypokinesia: smallness of movement (feels like you do everything “smaller” than you used to. An example is smaller handwriting)

LSVT BIG and LOUD Program: (Lee Silverman Voice Treatment) Extensive and highly effective therapy regimen created to address symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease and promote BIGGER and LOUDER movements and voice projection. It extends 4 days/week for 4 consecutive weeks and is provided by skilled and certified professionals who tailor the program specifically to each individual’s deficits and interests. Ask your doctor/neurologist next time you have an appointment.  

PWR!Moves Program: (Parkinson Wellness Recovery) PD-specific functional exercise and physical therapy programs. The Basic 4  PWR!Moves are designed to each target a skill known to deteriorate in people with Parkinson disease, which often lead to loss of mobility and function. 


Before we can identify what Parkinson’s Disease (PD) is, we must first understand the components of a human’s brain that are affected by this diagnosis. In PD, dopamine production is far less and thus the nervous system cannot send or receive messages as readily as it needs for normal movement. Therefore, since there is less overall communication between neurons, movement is slowed, made smaller, and tremors may persist (because your body is trying to “short circuit” what it can with what it has). Additionally, because our vocal cords are also muscles, PD can also cause someone’s voice to be softened and less loud.


Although PD is a progressive disease (a disease that gradually worsens over time) and the cause remains largely unknown, there is no room for fret! There are PLENTY of strategies and therapies that can help maintain one’s functional level and slow the progression of this disease. Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, and Speech Therapy all offer specialized areas in which treatment is tailored to each person and his or her symptoms. Here at the Virginian Rehabilitation and Wellness Inc., we have a professional staff who combined have over 50 years of experience and expertise working with individuals diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease. We also maintain various certifications that qualify us to work with these patients on a daily basis – including LSVT BIG, LSVT LOUD, PWR!Moves, etc.

The Parkinson's Foundation, in collaboration with the American College of Sports Medicine, have updated their Parkinson’s disease (PD) exercise recommendations that address 4 principal domains of rehabilitation and mobility essentials. They are as follows:

  1. Aerobic activity: 3 days a week for at least 30 minute per session of continuous or intermittent movement at moderate or vigorous intensity

  2. Strength training: 2-3 non-consecutive days per week of at least 30 minutes per session for 10-15 repos for major muscle groups; resistance, speed, or power focus

  3. Balance, agility, and multitasking: 2-3 days per week with daily integration if possible

  4. Stretching: 2-3 days per week with daily stretching being most effective


Research has proven THE BEST treatment for PD is EXERCISE.  This is not the time to “wait and see”.  Get started with therapy and exercise now. With help and guidance from our team at Virginian Rehabilitation and Wellness, you can begin to formulate a personalized exercise plan that is best tailored to your individual needs and preferences, optimizing your daily function and joys of life. We have physical, occupational, speech, and wellness professionals who are ready to walk this path with you and your family.