LSVT LOUD - The Benefits of the NOW & LATER…..

By Victoria Pavelko, MS, CCC-SLP and LSVT LOUD Certified Therapist

LSVT stands for Lee Silverman Voice Training and is a evidence-based, research supported treatment for clients who have Parkinson’s disease. Speech therapists who undergo a certification process to deliver LSVT LOUD therapy have the skills to teach clients NOW how to strengthen the head/neck/diaphragmatic musculature which will not only improve vocal loudness and intensity but have LONG LASTING health benefits LATER.

The NOW:

  • Do you have trouble making yourself heard and understood in loud environments?

  • Are you needing to repeat yourself to friends and family on the phone or in person?

  • Have your speech skills resulted in a decrease in social interactions?

If you answer yest to any of these questions then you may benefit from participating in our LSVT Loud program to improve your vocal quality, intensity and overall social communication skills!  Our program focuses on increasing breath support for improved loudness when engaging in conversations in a variety of environments!  You will learn how using a deep breath will allow you to use a strong, powerful voice in your daily life!


Research on LSVT LOUD began in 1987 and multiple, high quality studies, continue to demonstrate that clients who participate in LSVT LOUD not only show improvements in vocal loudness and intonation but that these benefits are maintained for at least two years post-treatment. LSVT LOUD clients also demonstrate improvement with:

  • Speech Articulation

  • Facial expressions

  • Speech intelligibility during conversations

  • Swallowing

  • Neural functioning

(This extensive outcome data has been published in a series of journal articles in speech, otolaryngology and neurology journals and are summarized in review chapters published in speech and neurology texts.)

Do It NOW for ADDED Benefits LATER:

Speech pathologists understand the importance of strong communication skills and a safe, effective swallow later in life.  By participating in our program NOW, your head and neck muscles are strengthened for LATER.  Your airway will be better protected for safer eating and drinking with a reduced risk of developing pneumonia in your lungs due to aspiration of foot/drink particles into your lungs.  Your voice will remain strong and effective and your overall quality of life will be improved as you are able to effectively meet your hydration and nutrition needs! 

Our Speech-language Pathologists are certified to provide LSVT LOUD as part of an intense inpatient or outpatient program.  We are excited that something we do TODAY can help with your function TOMORROW!  Benefit NOW & LATER in life by taking advantage of this life changing program TODAY!!