4 Amazing Yoga Restoratives for World Mental Health Day

By: Tiffany Chen, NASM-CPT, SES, 100-Y

October 10th is World Mental Health Day. We invite you to explore your quieter side with one of these restorative yoga poses. These are perfect if you need to find time to slow down and release tension in the body. These poses are meant to be held for a longer duration with the support of props to maximize comfort. Find a comfortable spot on the floor and grab a few pillows, you can give one a go or try all of them! Remember, it is advisable to always seek out consultation from your physician if you are starting a new physical practice and have any concerns about limitations.

Legs up the Wall:

This is a simple way to participate in an inversion in your yoga practice that does not require you to jump into a headstand. Your lower limbs are elevated above your heart level to help bring circulation back to the body. This posture can be held with extra support (folded towel or pillow) under the lower back. If you do not have a wall to use, feel free to grab a stable chair and rest your legs on top with your knees bent at 90 degrees.  

Supported Fish Pose:

Take a pillow (or two) or a stack of folded blankets. Start on the floor with your knees bent and slowly rest over the roll, having it across your shoulder blades so your shoulders can rest comfortably towards the floor. If there is too much strain in the neck, find a support for your head by laying on an additional pillow. Spread your arms out to the sides with the palms facing up to open the chest further. To get out of the pose, slowly roll to your side and push yourself up to a sitting position.       

Side Lying Stretch:

Take a thick pillow (or stack a couple of folded blankets) and position it under the side of your torso. Slowly make your way down into side-lying position with the supports under your waist. Optional: for a deeper stretch in the side-body, reach your top arm over by the ear and grab the opposite wrist for a gentle “pull”. Make sure you do both sides!

Supported Child’s Pose:

This well-known yoga pose can be even more relaxing with some supports under the hips and forehead. Feel free to spread the knees even further apart if you are experiencing increased tightness in the knees or thigh muscles. Breath and focus on releasing tension in the lower back and shoulders.

Yoga has so many benefits and provides so many tools for dealing with stress that comes in our daily lives. Our wellness trainer provides 1:1 in person or virtual yoga sessions. Click the button below to learn more and schedule your personal yoga session today.